JOIN Experience, a brand from the homonymous joint venture among JOIN Wireless and POST Luxembourg Group, is a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) on the network Base/POST1,2.
Active in both Belgium and Luxembourg from 2014 to 2018, JOIN Experience was acquire by BelgiumPost and is still active in Luxembourg to these days.
To make project even more ambitious, the required time-to-market was of a few months only, due to the negotiations.
PRODUCTS : ADAM Framework | BOB | EIMeRouter | EIMeChat
We sped up the UX and UI implementation through the ADAM Framework. Leveraging on the ADAM integration layer, we were able to integrate the authentication system and the CRM in a small amount of time. That allowed JOIN to launch the Android and iOS native apps in a record time, at a very limited cost.
With the new app, JOIN's users were able to use the app to consult their own information and to dispose actions (top-up, change plan, pay bills, suspend or reactivate options).
Even the assistance was addressed through the ADAM Suite products: Bob for FAQs and Discovery chabots, EIMeChat and EIMeRouter to integrate and orchestrate the conversations toward Zendesk's Customer Contact System.
The project ended up being a success, and supported JOIN's positioning during the M&A with BelgiumPost.

Sascha Born
Marketing Director - JOIN Experience