MONK Software is much more than a software company
It’s a reality that gathers together a growing number of people for whom their job is a passion and
can’t help but being accountable - yet don’t take themselves too seriously

Passionate Geeks
A bunch of enthusiasts always ready to take on new challenge

Several Offices
A team of about 30 employed devs and a network of freelancers all over the world

Software Home
A constantly evolving melting-pot of ideas and experiences

A group of friends who love to spend time together doing fun things like… beer!
Over the years, we’ve gained a wide expertise with big Italian and International companies , working side-by-side with both their Commercial and IT departments .
Still, we value and aim to preserve a small company feeling that is needed for a honest partnership approach .
We grant our customers speed and flexibility not just because “we have to”, but because we believe success is the value you add AND the way you bring it.
Being ethical to Monk is a way of living and a source of joy. We have enjoyed every project, assignment and product we developed. Hence, if we don’t buy into a project, we won’t accept the assignment - sorry, but not sorry!
Our team is currently composed of about 30 employed developers
located in our European offices, plus a small network
of freelance developers throughout the world who are 100% part of the family




Our story begins in Cave, a small town in the hills of Southern Rome. With few thousand inhabitants and a handful of Internet connections, the local barbershop decides he absolutely needs a digital identity. MONK Software is hence founded to register the domain and hosting the website and m-site (which were designed and developed in exchange of a few haircuts and shaves, obviously!).
Next milestone is an assignment by a publishing company specialized in legal documents. We are asked to create a databank, however we cannot resist and develop the entire digitalization process, a website and a custom search engine. That is so appreciated it becomes an official tool used by the Italian Supreme Court. That leads to more assignments for the Ministry of Law and other public entities including the ESF (European Social Fund) for which MONK Software develops a platform for companies to access funded professional training. A major challenge that scaled the whole project to a different level then comes through an Electric Power Company. Due to financial turmoil, they are restructuring and need a complete turnaround of the IT architecture. So, we do it. We project and implement the entire architecture using open source technologies and custom developments ranging from CRM to ERP. That company is now enjoying success and is expanding significantly also through acquisitions, and MONK Software’s system architecture supports the scaling happily.
While the assignments grow, the team is strengthened through the employment of our first Polish developers. That represents our very first step toward internationalization. We open an office in Krakow and start to collaborate with an Israeli start-up by former Google and Amazon managers, developing scrapers and comparative services.
In 2008, MONK Software starts for real. We develop a booking system, a management system and an official website for a nationwide transport company. Thus, MONK establishes the very first office in Rome to set up proper operations (with the additional benefit of free bus rides).
Having mobile become a true passion, we focus our efforts on building a strong mobile developers team. We cover the major mobile Operating Systems, and we develop a bunch on application for event organization, companies internal surveys, automotive showoff and presentations - just to name a few.
The real turning point for MONK Software arrives in 2010 thanks to the work for one of the biggest telecom companies in Italy. We evolve their VAS services, create a Mobile Device Management System, project and develop a Business Intelligence system and, last but not least, a Self-Care App - rated as the best Self-Care App on the Italian marketplaces.
The Self-Care app experience brings us a strong consciousness: conversational UX represents the best paradigm to effectively address the themes related to customer care. So, as a strong advocate of the conversational, in 2015 MONK Software develops an instant messaging app which evolves into an unexpected success story for the entire telecom industry. It turns into a comprehensive product composed of Chat, Self-Care and E-Commerce, which is then re-adapted and adopted by other telecom companies in Italy and in Europe - another confirm that the return to natural language is a widespread need for everyone. With the set up of our R&D department, MONK Software focuses even more on conversational as it opens new horizons: we start partnerships with the major Italian research institutes as we work on complex algorithms and we study a variety of chatbots and artificial intelligence solutions to integrate into our products.
The way to conversational we embraced is still more relevant than ever and it opens to unexpected horizons - especially post-2020, which sees a rising urgence for up-to-date communication systems.
Nowadays, we parallelize the work on custom projects for our clients to the development of our proprietary suite of white-label products and SDKs, with simplification and ease in third-party integrations always in mind.
Yet, conversational solutions are not the only ones in MONK Software that can boast similar traits: we engage enthusiastically in developing modular ERPs, e-commerce solutions and vertical solutions for internal management in various industries, while keeping a simplification and efficiency perspective. Our vision has not changed.
It continues to adapt to a constantly changing environment, keeping the same target: improving the work-life of people in any company… one line of code at a time.